Our mobile Youth Club offers disenfranchised youth a safe space every Tuesday at Bruce Grove Youth Space in Tottenham and Fridays at the Shine Centre in Turnpike Lane. The RISE Projects Youth Club organises different activities for young people in Haringey, whether through group discussions using our mentoring programme or social activities to keep the young people engaged and safe.  

Mentoring and personal development

Our mentoring programme equips young people with the necessary skills to make informed and positive choices in their lives. We support and encourage young people to make more informed life choices and to have a safe environment where they can speak about their choices, their thought processes and what they want to achieve. Our group discussions are particularly focused on community safety related issues such as staying safe, knife crime, anti-social behaviour, serious youth violence, and personal and career development.

Social activities

We also engage young people to use the space to take part in organised activities and play games such table-tennis and pool. We organise regular FIFA tournaments to enable young people to make connections and to interact with one another. As well as playing games such as Chess and Connect Four and cards.

Information and signposting

This enables young people to access the information they need to improve their life chances. Our Youth Engagement Leads source and signpost information to young people of opportunities in the borough. We provide support to young people to overcome the lack of information and services for young people. This enables young people to access the information they need to improve their life chances. Our Youth Engagement Leads source and signpost information to young people of opportunities in the borough.